wind TEARS / Idu mi suze od vjetra

:exhibition FONA ’07, Art & Criminal
:time Octobar, 2007
:currated by Branko Cerovac
title_Wind Tears / Idu mi suze od vjetra
:technique photo collage, digital photo print
:dimensions 2000x620cm

All photos in this collage were taken at the same location but in a different time. The first situation happend on 07/09/2007, on the ferryboat “Petar Hektorović” on the way to the island of Vis. Due to severe storm hits, me and my companion Sandro Dukic, protected our selfs by putting scarves on our heads, after that discused the look which, these days, could easily be interpreted as an appearance of a terrorist. The second sequence happend on the way back on 09/10/2007, the same ferryboat passing by secret location of NATO ships and submarines in the Croatian Adriatic sea. We as “tourists of that situation”, watching NATO military maneuver and listening news announcing NATO secret location somewhere in Mediteranien sea. Formation of the photos is inspired by the classic board game “Battleship”.