International Exhibition of Visual Arts / Međunarodna izložba vizualnih umjetnosti
Vrijeme / Time 11 – 23 Sep 2012
Lokacija / Location Admiralitet, Riva 8, Pula 21:30H
Autorica / Author Branka Cvjetičanin
Plavi lav vs. Prizemljeno sunce / Blue Lion vs. Grounded Sun
PLAVI LAV vs. PRIZEMLJENO SUNCE svjetlosna je instalacija i projekcija serije fotografija (site-specific rad) u prostoru bivšeg vojnog objekta – zgradi Admiraliteta u Puli. Prostor koji je nekoć bio simbolom sjaja i moći jedne vojne sile danas je urbano-poslovna simbioza različitih institucija koje obitavaju u zgradi/bloku koju još uvijek svi lociraju istim imenom – Admiralitet. Točka sagledavanja je Istra i njezin gotovo skriveni identitet vojnog poligona, koji nas čini skvoterima nekog većeg ustroja, prošlog ili budućeg.
Serija fotografija Plavog lava snimljena je u Muzeju suvremene umjetnosti u Zagrebu, listopad 2010. godine. Plavi lav bio je promotivni objekt izložbe bojnih aviona čije su makete, promotivni panoi i simulator letenja bili izloženi u MSUu kao dio zagovaračko-prodajne kampanje. Tko su bili akteri i kojim povodom se dogadjala izložba oružja u Muzeju nebitno je za ovaj iskaz, ono što je bitno je da je Plavi Lav veliki izazivač Prizemljenog sunca i napadač suvereniteta suvremenih oblika u prostoru najavio pobjedu i preuzimanje trona u superteškoj kategoriji ubojite suvremenosti. Svojim ulaskom u zonu instalacije postajemo obilježeni svjedoci zbivanja. Znak koji nas obilježava je simbol pokusnih test lutaka. b.c.
BLUE LION vs. GROUNDED SUN is a site specific light installation and photo slideshow placed in the military building block in Pula – the building of Admiralty. The space, once a symbol of military domination, glamour and power, and today’s urban/business symbiosis of different institutions that live in the building block, but everyone still allocate the building with the same name – the Admiralty. Point of consideration is Istria and its almost hidden identity of the military polygon which makes us squatters of some bigger structures, of our past or future. A series of photos of the Blue Lion was taken at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb (Oct, 2010).
Blue Lion was a promotional object for the exhibited military combat aircrafts together with aircraft models,
promotional posters and real combat fight cockpit simulator all exposed in Museum of Contemporary Arts in Zagreb, as a part of advocacy and sales champagne. Who were the actors and what was the occasion of that weapon exhibition in the Museum is irrelevant to this statement, what is important is that the Blue Lion challenged the Grounded Sun, announcing the great victory over the contemporary forms in the space, threatening that he will take over the throne in heavyweight category of modernity. Entering the zone of the installation we are becoming marked witnesses of happening. The mark is the symbol commonly used for test
chrash dummies. b.c.
>>> produced by MSUI
>>> to see the MSUI “Tu smo 3” program click >>> HERE